02-32/2017 / rev.7
Congratulations on purchasing the Smart RF box eLAN-RF-Wi-003 control unit, an element of the RF
Control wireless system.
• The smart RF box Enables you to control your electrical installation by smartphone,
tablet, Samsung smart-watch Gear S2 or SMART TV.
• It transmits and receives commands of up to 40 units, and it processes set programs for automatic
control, (you can gradually expand installation from 1 unit iNELS RF Control).
• Thanks to bi-directional communication, it visualizes the current status of individual units.
• The RF Smart box eLAN-RF-Wi003 is connected to the home network (router) using a network LAN
cable. After the initial connection a WiFi network can then be used to communicate with
a smartphone. The defaults are set on the DHCP Server, for connection to a home network, you
must first configure it using a PC.
WiFi module functions only if you do not have your own WiFi
network and you want to connect directly to an eLAN application.
• The intuitive application environment offers central control from one place.
• Function of application iHC-MAIRF / iHC-MIIRF / iHC-WTRF:
- control of hot water or electric underfloor heating
- measuring temperature by wireless sensors
- switching appliances (garage door, blinds, fan, sprinklers, sockets, etc.)
- dimming lights (LED, energy-saving, halogen or classic lamps)
- time switching (delayed switching off of light when leaving room)
- video camera integration
- scenes (make multiple commands at once with a single press).
• Power is supplied to the Smart RF box via adapter 10-27V DC (included in the supply) or PoE by
power source (router) 24V DC.
• By connecting two Smart RF boxes by LAN cable, you avoid the problem of lack of signal range.
• Option of setting via web interface or directly in the application iHC-MAIRF (Android) / iHC-MIIRF
• The package includes an internal antenna AN-I, in case the Smart RF box is located in a metal
switchboard, you can use the external antenna AN-E for better signal reception.*
• Range up to 100 m (in open space), if the signal is insufficient between the Smart RF box and unit,
use the signal repeater RFRP-20.
• Communication frequency with bidirectional protocol iNELS RF Control.
* Max Tightening Torque for antenna connector is 0.56 Nm.
The minimum distance between the controller (system unit) and the actuator must not be less than
one centimeter.
Setting options:
• max. number of actuator - 40
• max. number of temperature zones - 16
• max. number of time schedules - 16
• max. number of central sources - 10
• max. number of heating and cooling devices in a heating zone - 10
• max. number of intervals in a time schedule – 8