Care and Maintenance
If you frequently use a COLD wash cycle, you will need to clean the inside of your
washing machine regularly (every three months), especially if you use a fabric
softener. Liquid detergents can cause detergent scum to build up around the
outside of the inner
tub, which cold water will not remove and which can cause
bacteria, unpleasant odours, and eventually soiling of your wash load.
To remove scum build-up from the inside of a washing machine,
run a cleaning
cycle without clothes
using the
Heavy Duty
As a cleaning agent, use a commercially available washing machine cleaning
product (such as
Washing Machine Cleaner
) according to the instructions
on the product), or use a mix of bicarbonate of soda (½ cup) and white household
vinegar (2 cups).
Use a soft cloth to wipe any water or dirt off the washer lid and housing. If using a
damp cloth, squeeze it almost dry to avoid leaving water residues.
The detergent box may be pulled out for cleaning, if required. Other inside parts
should be wiped with a damp cloth, if necessary.
Do not use any chemical, alkaline or abrasive cleaning agents to avoid damaging
the surface. Do not spray water directly onto the washer housing.