Inbox
If
new
messages
have
arrived,
Wireless
phones
let
you
know
their
arrival
on
new
message
notification
screen,
and
you
can
check
those
messages,
pressing
.
You
can
store
a
maximum
of
messages
received.
If
the
received
messages
are
over
in
number,
they
are
deleted
one
by
one
starting
with
the
oldest
ones.
Press
→
2.
Inbox
in
turn.
Press
button
after
selecting
your
desired
messages
using
.
When
you
get
the
voice
message,
you
can
see
pictures
as
below.
Outbox
Messages
sent
can
be
stored
up
to
ones,
and
only
successfully
transmitted
ones
are
stored.
Press
→
3.
Outbox
in
turn.
Press
button
after
selecting
your
desired
messages
using
.
Draft
This
is
a
function
that
messages
in
creation
are
automatically
stored
temporarily
if
calls
arrive
while
entering
messages,
or
if
you
press
Finish
button.
Messages
in
creation
are
stored
up
to
ones.
Press
→
4.
Draft
in
turn.
Select
your
desired
messages
using
.
If
you
want
to
edit
messages
in
creation,
press
button,
modify
expressions,
and
send
messages,
pressing
button
again,
after
selecting
whether
or
not
to
store.