Wireless M-Bus Range Extender /
User Manual Version 1.0
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Range Extender Startup
After a power cycle or reset the Range Extender performs a startup procedure which includes the following steps:
Step 1 : System Startup & Software Module Configuration
After successful system startup the Range Extender reads and validates the required configuration settings. In case of valid settings
the corrossponding firmware modules LoRaWAN Stack, Wireless M-Bus Packet Filter, Event Calendar will be configured. In case
of missing LoRaWAN settings the Range Extender enters a sleep mode and waits for further configuration (
Step 2
Every LoRaWAN® device must be activated before usage. If not already activated, the Range Extender enters sleep mode and
waits for a trigger signal to start the LoRaWAN® activation procedure (
). This trigger signal can be issued as follows:
Step 3
by means of a magnet and a pulse from the reed switch
by means of an application event sent from a PC-Tool via local serial interface
Step 2 : Range Extender Configuration
The inital Range Extender configuration must be handled via serial connection and PC-Tool. During configuration phase several
parameters for LoRaWAN activation, Calender Events and WM-Bus Packet Filters have to be set to change the Range Extender
Note: the LoRaWAN Stack can be deactivatet and reactivated again.
Step 3 : LoRaWAN Stack Activation (OTAA or ABP)
In case of Over The Air Activation (
) the Range Extender initates the LoRaWAN join procedure. On success the Range
Extender continues with the next step. The join procedure and it's final result will be signaled via
Personalization (
) is selected the LoRaWAN Stack will be activated and the next step is directly initiated.
Step 4 : Real Time Clock Synchronization
For proper calendar operation the Range Extender requests the LoRaWAN network time and synchronizes the internal real time
clock (RTC).
Step 5 : Time Correction of Calendar
In this final step the calendar unit is updated to handle the configured events which control the subsequent application behaviour.
The following flow chart outlines the Range Extender startup procedure and it's single steps.
Figure : Range Extender Startup with invalid & valid configuration