Table of Condition codes
The table below lists the specific conditions and what they mean. The “Code” is the number included in the Event
Log alarm description.
As displayed in MPM View
What it means
Battery Charge
Threshold: Low
level warning for low battery charge level. Is triggered
when either threshold for % charge or estimated minutes is
reached. Default thresholds are 7% or 5 minutes. These can
be modified with MPM Tech View.
Lost Device Communications
MPMView is unable to communicate with MPM unit. This
could be caused by the USB cable being disconnected, the USB
port on the computer has failed or the MPM is off. It is not
likely that the MPM will be off in normal usage, however it is
possible in lab settings when PC running MPMView is not
powered by MPM.
Service Check: Battery
Parameters not Initialized
Alarm raised when the MPM is configured to detect a
smart battery but is unable to establish communications
to the battery. The MPM would then be operating in
Smart Discovery Mode at reduced charger current.
Remedy: Configure the unit for the actual battery
attached using MPM Tech View software.
Service Check: Replace Battery
– Health Threshold
Raised when the measured battery capacity is less than x%
of original design capacity (measure of state of health).
Defaujlt is 50%, configure the threshold via MPM View.
Service Check: Replace Battery
– Date Threshold
Raised when the comparison of MPM View system date to
Battery Replace Date indicates that the battery Age is older
than the Battery Age Threshold. Default is 18 Months,
configure via MPM View.
Service Check: Smart
Batteries – Configuration
This alarm is raised when the number of smart batteries
detected is different than expected by MPM configuration.
Service Check: Smart
Raised when MPM unit has lost communication with a
Smart Battery. Could indicate Smart Battery has entered a
Safe/Protect Mode and turned itself off after being left
depleted and without charge for too long. The alarm may
clear if the MPM unit is able to recover the battery.
If the alarm persists, check Smart Battery cable connections
Service Check:
Temperature Warning
This is the 1
level warning that the MPM internal
temperatures are nearing a level where immediate thermal
shutdown could occur if temperatures continue to increase.
Check that MPM ventilation is unobstructed. If no visible
obstruction, MPM unit may need cleaning or other Service.
Service Check: Battery
The MPM unit detects no voltage across the battery
terminals. Battery may be disconnected, or there may be a
blown fuse. The MPM can still power up.