This option is to reverse the direction of the X/Y axis. Press the "Enter" key to enter the
setting, press the "UP" key or the "DOWN" key to select whether the X/Y axis is reversed,
and select "Yes" to indicate X /Y axis is reversed. Select "NO" to indicate that X/Y axis is not
reversed. After selecting the direction, press "Enter" to save and exit.
4.Display Set (Display setting)
This option is to set the LCD font inversion, Chinese and English display and backlight on
the display panel. Press the "Enter" key to enter the setting. Press the "UP" or "DOWN" key
to switch the LCD backlight, select "Yes" "Means that the LCD backlight is always on and
will not be turned off. Selecting "NO" means that it will be turned off after 20 seconds
without any key operation, and will be turned on again when there is a key operation. After
selecting the settings, press "Enter" to save and exit.
Invert Word : Font
English/Chinese: Chinese to English conversion
LCD Backlight on:LCD Backlight on setting
5.Manual Set(Manual mode setting)
This option is to set the scene parameters of the moving head light, press the "Enter" key to
enter the save, and online operation can be carried out, provided that the moving head
light's operating mode (Run Mode) must be set to manual, that is, the manual mode is
valid. , The next startup can restore the previous startup state.
PAN: X axis position
PANMICO : X-axis fine-tuning
TILT: Y axis position
TILTMICO: Y-axis fine adjustment
ZOOM: focus position
DIM: total dimming
STROBE: strobe
DIM_R: red dimming
DIM_G: green dimming
DIM_B: blue dimming
DIM_W: white dimming
6.Sound Sensitivity (sound control sensitivity adjustment)
This option is to switch the sound control sensitivity of the moving head light. Press
the "Enter" key to enter the setting, press the "UP" key or the "DOWN" key to select
the sensitivity of 0~100 levels. After the sensitivity is selected, press the " Enter" to
save and exit.
7. System Set (system parameter setting)
System Information:
The version: V1 software version number
PAN Reset: X-axis reset status display Normal (normal) Wrong (error)
TILT Reset: Y-axis reset status display Normal (normal) Wrong (error)