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39. Reinstall the trimmed fascia panel, as shown in Figure 6.
Verify the oil lines clear the fascia panel and do not rub on the edge.
Figure 6 -
Trimmed Fascia Panel Installed
40. Use a
inch hex tool to install the hose separator from the EFR-600-62
Hardware Kit in the middle of the oil lines between the filter mount and
the engine.
Use pliers similar to Channel-Lock or Knipex pliers to hold the clamp
halves together while tightening.
Verify the hose separator allows the lines to clear any moving parts in
the engine bay before starting: Adjust if needed.
41. Use the remaining cable tie from the EFR-600-62 Hardware Kit to retain
the lines where any rubbing might occur.
Use more cable ties if the supplied cable tie is not enough.
Check that all fittings are connected and tightened.
2. Check the engine oil level and add oil if necessary.
Refill the engine’s coolant system using the manufacturer’s approved
method for your Mustang.
Consult the vehicle’s factory service manual for the correct coolant
specifications and refill procedure.