CaRe & MaInTenanCe:
IMpoRTanT: Turn the dehumidifier off and remove the plug
from the wall outlet before cleaning .
CleanInG The GRIlle anD Case:
• Use water and a mild detergent . Do not use bleach
or abrasives .
• Do not splash water directly onto the main unit . Doing so
may cause an electrical shock, cause the insulation to deteri-
orate, or cause the unit to rust .
• The air intake and outlet grilles get soiled easily, so use a
vacuum attachment or brush to clean .
CleanInG The ReseRvoIR:
Every few weeks, clean the reservoir to prevent growth of
mold, mildew and bacteria . Partially fill the reservoir with
clean water and add a little mild detergent . Swish it around in
the reservoir, empty and rinse .
noTe: Do not use a dishwasher to clean the reservoir . After
cleaning, the reservoir must be in place and securely seated
for the dehumidifier to operate .
CleanInG The aIR FIlTeR
• Remove the filter every two weeks based on normal operat-
ing conditions .
• Remove the filter from the top of the unit (Figure 1) or to
remove the filter, remove reservoir then pull filter
downwards (Figure 2) .
• Wash the filter with clean water then dry . Re-install the filter,
replace the reservoir .
CaUTIon: Do noT operate the dehumidifier without a filter
because dirt and lint will clog it and reduce performance .
BeFoRe sToRInG oR noT UsInG a UnIT
FoR lonG peRIoDs oF TIMe:
• After turning off the unit, wait one day before emptying the
reservoir .
• Clean the main unit, water reservoir and air filter .
• Wrap the cord and bundle it with the band (Figure 3) . Cover
the unit with a plastic bag .
• Store the unit upright in a dry, well-ventilated place .
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3