Appendix A: Data Types
Boolean; A single bit. '0' or '1', a.k.a ‘FALSE’ or ‘TRUE’
Byte; 8 consecutive bits. Byte format is used more where the value of
the data is not as important as the bit patterns (shifts and rotates).
Word; A string of 16 consecutive bits. Word format is used more
where the value of the data is not as important as the bit patterns (shifts
and rotates).
- Double Word; A string of 32 consecutive bits. DWORD format is used
where the value of the data is not as important as the bit patterns (shifts
and rotates).
Integer; A 16-bit signed value. Integers are used where the value of the
data is expected to be in the range of -32,768 to +32,767
Short Integer; An 8-bit signed value. Short Integers are used where the
value of the data is expected to be in the range of -128 to +127.
Double Integer; A 32-bit signed value. Double Integers are used where
the value of the data is expected to be in the range of -2,147,483,648 to
Unsigned Integer;
A 16-bit unsigned value. Unsigned Integers are
used where the value of the data is expected to be in the range of -0
(zero) to 65,535.
Unsigned Short Integer; An 8-bit unsigned value. Unsigned Short
Integers are used where the value of the data is expected to be in the
range of 0 (zero) to 255
Unsigned Double Integer; A 32-bit unsigned value. Unsigned Double
Integers are used where the value of the data is expected to be in the
range of 0 (zero) to 4,294,967,296.
Floating Point; A 32-bit value. Values are stored and operated on in
IEEE single precision (six digit) format. Values range from -
3.38 to +3.38.
String; A variable-length succession of characters. Each character is
represented by one byte.
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