Chapter 7 Usage of Various Functions
EN input (Counter enable)
When the EN input turns on, the counter starts counting pulse. When the EN is off, the counting is stopped and the current
value of high speed counter is cleared as 0.
2) U/D input (Up/down)
When the U/D input is off, the high speed counter operates as up counter. When the U/D is off, it operates as down-counter.
3) PR input (Preset)
When the PR input is on, the current value of high speed counted is replaced with the preset value (PV).
4) Output relay (F070)
The F070 bit will be turn on when the current value of high speed counter (F18 : lower word, F19 : upper word) is equal of
greater than the set value (SV).
5) Carry flag
The carry flag turns on when the current value of high speed counter is underflow ( 0
16,777,215 ) during down counting
or overflow ( 16,777,215 ) during up counting.
6) Current value
The current value of high speed counter is stored at two words, F18 and F19. The lower word is stored at F18, and upper
word is stored at F19.