4. Calibration and Level Checking
. Calibration and Level Checking
. Calibration and Level Checking
. Calibration and Level Checking
The accuracy of the tool is +/- 1.5mm in 10m.
Before use check that the instrument is within tolerance.
-Place instrument on a solid base i.e. bench top, approx 5m from a wall.
-Turn on horizontal beam and all vertical beams
-To check horizontal beam, point crossline towards wall & mark the wall
at horizontal level point
-Rotate instrument 90º(next crossline intersection) on tripodic base and
mark wall again, repeat this procedure at the remaining two crossline
-You should now have four marks on the wall. If these points are less than
1.5mm apart the instrument is ok to use if difference exceeds 1.5mm
send back to dealer for calibration.
To check vertical accuracy, utilise a known plumb point such as a doorway/
window frame and check that vertical beam lines up.
5. Transportation and Storage
. Transportation and Storage
. Transportation and Storage
. Transportation and Storage
The laser must be stored in a cool dry environment, free of dust and moisture.
On the completion of use the main On/Off switch must be switched to the off
position for transportation.
6. Warranty
. Warranty
. Warranty
. Warranty
The Imex LX55 and LX55D are covered by a 2 year warranty as detailed on the
warranty form. Fill out form and return to supplier.
7. Accessories
. Accessories
. Accessories
. Accessories
The LX55 can be used with a number of accessories, these include;
-Elevating tripod
-Wall mount bracket
-Floor–ceiling laser pole
-Levelling staff & more
8. Specifications
8. Specifications
8. Specifications
8. Specifications
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Free call 1800 669 110