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•  If the appliance is faulty or malfunctions, switch it off and do not 

tamper with it. Contact an authorised technical service centre for any 


•  If the supply cord is damaged it must be replaced by an authorised 

technical service centre, so as to prevent all risks.

•  The motor body of this appliance shall not come into contact with 

water, other liquids, spray, steam. For any cleaning or maintenance 

work, please refer only to the relevant section in this manual.

•   DO NOT use this appliance near a washbasin or a sink filled with 

water. During use the appliance must be placed in such a way that it 

cannot fall in the washbasin or the sink.

•  This appliance must be placed on a flat, stable surface.

•  See the external packaging for the characteristics of the appliance.

•  Use the appliance only with the supplied accessories that are an 

essential part of the appliance.

•  This appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external 

timer or separate remote-control system or any other similar system.

•   DO NOT use near a hob. The supply cord shall not come into 

contact with hot, incandescent surfaces, open flames, pots and other 


•  DO NOT leave food in contact with the appliance for any longer than 

is necessary for preparation.

WARNING!  Take  care  when  handling  the  sharp  cutting 

blades, emptying the bowl and during cleaning.

WARNING!  Comply  with  the  indications  in  the  chapters 

"Restrictions for food conctact " and "Quantity and usage 


•  Switch off the appliance and disconnect from supply before changing 

accessories or approaching parts that move in use.

Summary of Contents for P4201

Page 1: ...AVIN KONYHAI APR T TOC TOR pagina 1 page 8 Seite 15 strana 22 oldal 29 pagina 36 IT EN DE CZ HU RO TRITATUTTO TYPE P4201 Istruzioni per l uso Operating instructions Bedienungsanleitung N vod k pou it...

Page 2: ......


Page 4: ...B C D E II...


Page 6: ...ulla sicurezza attenendosi a esse Conservare il presente manuale insieme alla relativa guida illustrativa a scopo di consultazione futura In caso di cessione dell apparecchio a terzi consegnare anche...

Page 7: ...o pu essere utilizzato da persone con ridotte capacit fisiche sensoriali o mentali o con mancanza di esperienza e di conoscenza se sono sorvegliati oppure se hanno ricevuto istruzioni riguardo l utili...

Page 8: riferimento alla confezione esterna Utilizzare unicamente con gli accessori forniti che costituiscono parte integrante dell apparecchio Questo apparecchio non destinato a essere fatto funzionare pe...

Page 9: ...enti che possono essere utilizzati con questo apparecchio il tempo massimo per il quale gli alimenti possono rimanere in contatto con le parti dell apparecchio destinate a tale scopo la temperatura ma...

Page 10: ...2 minuti Off per 3 cicli Lasciar raffreddare l apparecchio per 60 minuti prima di riprendere il funzionamento 500 Watt MONTAGGIO Inserire le lame nel recipiente Fig B Inserire gli alimenti solidi nel...

Page 11: ...overe gli ingredienti in eccesso e proseguire nella lavorazione SMALTIMENTO L imballaggio del prodotto composto da materiali riciclabili Smaltirlo in conformit alla normativa di tutela ambientale Ai s...

Page 12: duri caldi secchi ecc h utilizzo di alimenti in quantitativi eccedenti quanto specificato i montaggio non corretto del gruppo lame o degli accessori j superamento dei tempi di utilizzo previsti k i...

Page 13: ...together with its illustrated guide for future consultation Should you transfer the appliance to another user make sure you hand over this documentation as well NOTE should any part of this manual be...

Page 14: ...e used by persons with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe...

Page 15: stable surface See the external packaging for the characteristics of the appliance Use the appliance only with the supplied accessories that are an essential part of the appliance This appliance is...

Page 16: ...ith food the types of food which may be used in this appliance the maximum period of time for which foodstuffs may remain in contact with the parts of the appliance intended for contact with food the...

Page 17: ...00 Watts ASSEMBLY Fit the blades in the bowl Fig B Fill the bowl with solid foodstuffs without exceeding the maximum level marking Fit the lid onto the bowl turning the lid clockwise Fig C Fit the mot...

Page 18: ...e processing DISPOSAL AT END OF LIFE The packaging of the appliance is made of recyclable materials Dispose of it in accordance with the environmental protection regulations Pursuant to Directive 2012...

Page 19: ...t or careless usage g filling the appliance or using the appliance with foodstuffs that are expressly prohibited in the instructions hard hot dry foods etc h use with larger quantities of foodstuffs t...

Page 20: ...Warnhinweise und Sicherheitshinweise und beachten Sie diese Bewahren Sie diese Anleitung zusammen mit dem bebilderten Leitfaden zum zuk nftigen Nachschlagen auf Im Falle der berlassung des Ger ts an...

Page 21: ...lderter Leitfaden Dieses Ger t darf von Personen mit eingeschr nkten physischen sensorischen oder geistigen F higkeiten oder Mangel an Erfahrung oder notwendiger Kenntnis verwendet werden wenn sie dab...

Page 22: ...den dass es nicht in das Sp lbecken fallen kann Dieses Ger t muss auf einer ebenen und stabilen Oberfl che platziert werden Die Eigenschaften des Ger ts sind auf der u eren Verpackung angegeben Das Ge...

Page 23: ...Lebensmitteln bestimmt sind Lebensmittel die mit diesem Ger t verwendet werden k nnen Maximale Zeit die die Lebensmittel mit den hierf r vorgesehenen Teilen des Ger ts in Kontakt bleiben d rfen Zul ss...

Page 24: ...en wird 500 Watt MONTAGE Die Klingen in den Beh lter einsetzen Abb B Die festen Lebensmittel in den Beh lter geben ohne den maximalen F llstand zu berschreiten Den Beh lter mit dem Deckel schlie en di...

Page 25: ...Zutaten bef llt bersch ssigeZutatenentfernenunddieVerarbeitung fortsetzen ENTSORGUNG Die Verpackung des Produktes besteht aus wiederverwertbaren Materialien Entsprechend den Umweltschutzbestimmungen...

Page 26: ...wendung von Lebensmitteln die in der Anleitung ausgeschlossen wurden hart hei trocken usw h Verwendung von Lebensmittelmengen die die angegebenen Mengen berschreiten i unrichtiger Zusammenbau der Klin...

Page 27: ...v vejte tento n vod spolu se sv m ilustra n m pr vodcem pro budouc konzultace Pokud za zen postoup te jin mu u ivateli ujist te se tak o p ed n t to dokumentace POZN MKA pokud by bylo obt n pochopit j...

Page 28: ...y se sn en mi fyzick mi smyslov minebodu evn mischopnostmi pop pad nedostate n mi zku enostmi i znalostmi za p edpokladu e jsou pod dohledem nebo pot co obdr ely pokyny pro bezpe n pou v n p stroje a...

Page 29: ...chnick parametry p stroje jsou uvedeny na vn j stran balen P stroj pou vejte pouze s dodan m p slu enstv m kter je jeho nezbytnou sou st Tento p stroj nen ur en k ovl d n pomoc extern ho asova e nebo...

Page 30: ...nami na kter potraviny lze tento p stroj pou t maxim ln dobu po kterou mohou potraviny z stat ve styku s stmi p stroje ur en mi k takov mu elu maxim ln povolenou teplotu pou it ch potravin Seznam sou...

Page 31: vychladnout po dobu 60 minut p ed op tovn m pou v n m 500 W KOMPLETACE Vlo te no e do n doby obr B N dobu pou vejte na pevn p sady a nep ekra ujte maxim ln mno stv N dobu uzav ete v kem oto en m ve...

Page 32: ...p ebyte n p sady a pokra ujte ve zpracov v n LIKVIDACE Obal p stroje je vyroben z recyklovateln ch materi l Zlikvidujte jej v souladu s p edpisy na ochranu ivotn ho prost ed V souladu se sm rnic 2012...

Page 33: ...v n g pou it potravin kter vylu uje n vod k pou it tvrd hork such apod h pou it v t ho mno stv potravin ne je uvedeno i nespr vn mont e jednotky no nebo p slu enstv j p ekro en doporu en ch dob pou v...

Page 34: ...kat s gyeljen azok betart s ra rizze meg ezt a k zik nyvet a k pes tmutat val egy tt a k s bbi felhaszn l s rdek ben Amennyiben a k sz l ket tadja m soknak mell kelje a teljes dokument ci t is MEGJEGY...

Page 35: ...kez illetve a megfelel tapasztalattal vagy tud ssal nem rendelkez szem lyekcsakfel gyeletmelletthaszn lhatj k vagycsak akkor ha a k sz l k biztons gos haszn lat r l tmutat st kaptak s tiszt ban vannak...

Page 36: fel leten kell elhelyezni A k sz l k jellemz ihez l sd a k ls csomagol st A k sz l ket csak a mell kelt kieg sz t kkel haszn lja ezek a k sz l k elv laszthatatlan r sz t k pezik A k sz l k nem hasz...

Page 37: ...ok az lelmiszerek melyekhez a k sz l k haszn lhat az a maxim lis id ameddig az lelmiszerek rintkez sben maradhatnak a k sz l k erre a c lra szolg l r szeivel a haszn lt lelmiszerek maxim lis megengede...

Page 38: ...00 watt SSZESZEREL S Helyezze be a k st a t lba B bra Az ed nybe annyi szil rd anyagot tegyen hogy az a maxim lis szint alatt maradjon Z rja le az ed nyt a fedelet az ramutat j r s val megegyez ir nyb...

Page 39: ...z t s folytassa a munk t A K SZ L K RTALMATLAN T SA A term k csomagol sa jrahasznos that anyagokb l k sz lt A k rnyezetv delmi el r soknak megfelel en dobja ki a csomagol st Az elektromos s elektronik...

Page 40: ...lan haszn lat g az tmutat ltal tiltott lelmiszerek kem ny meleg sz raz stb anyagok haszn lata h a meghat rozotthoz k pest t l nagy mennyis g lelmiszerek haszn lata i a k sek vagy a tartoz kok nem megf...

Page 41: ...e siguran i respecta i le P stra i acest manual mpreun cu ghidul ilustrativ aferent pentru a l putea consulta ulterior Dac aparatul este v ndut unui ter preda i acestuia i documenta ia complet NOT n c...

Page 42: ...soane av nd capacit i fizice senzoriale sau mentale reduse sau lipsite de experien a sau cuno tin ele necesare at t timp c t acest lucru are loc sub supraveghere sau dup ce au primit instruc iuni pent...

Page 43: ...sticile aparatului consulta i ambalajul exterior Utiliza i aparatul numai cu accesoriile furnizate care fac parte integrant din aparat Acest aparat nu este destinat s fie ac ionat prin intermediul unu...

Page 44: ...tactului cu alimentele alimentele care pot fi utilizate cu acest aparat timpul maxim pentru care alimentele pot r m ne n contact cu p r ile aparatului destinate acestui scop temperatura maxim permis a...

Page 45: Off pentru 3 cicluri L sa i aparatul s se r ceasc timp de 60 de minute nainte de a l folosi din nou 500 Watt MONTARE Introduce i lamele n vas Fig B Pune i alimentele solide n vas f r a dep i nivelu...

Page 46: ...ale reciclabile Elimina i l n conformitate cu reglement rile privind protec ia mediului n conformitate cu Directiva 2012 19 UE privind de eurile de echipamente electrice i electronice DEEE simbolul co...

Page 47: ...te nepermise conform instruc iunilor dure calde uscate etc h utilizarea de alimente n cantit i mai mari dec t cele specificate i montarea incorect a unit ii de t iere sau a accesoriilor j dep irea dur...

Page 48: ...MI002882 131017 www imetec com Tenacta Group S p A Via Piemonte 5 11 24052 Azzano S P BG ITALY...
