Page 11
3. Before Operation
Is your PTO-generator ready to go?
Check the general condition of the PTO-generator:
Make sure to ground (earth) the PTO-generator with sufficient current capacity.
Ground (earth) lead diameter:
0.12 mm (0.005 in) / Ampere
Example: 10 Ampere => 1.2 mm ( 0.05 in)
Gear box:
Check the fluid level and top up if necessary (up to 0.5l in total).
Check the general condition of the equipment powered by the PTO-generator:
Make sure that there’s no tool or electrical item plugged in before starting the PTO-generator.
Make sure the tool is turned off before plugging it in.
PTO alignment:
Position the PTO-generator in such a manner that the power take-off shaft is as near to direct
line in all directions as possible. This will increase the life of the power take-off shaft, reduce
ware on bearings of both the power take-off and the alternator, and reduce vibration. The
maximum angle from a straight line should not exceed 10°. For the nominal power take-off
shaft length of 42", 10° is equal to 8" misalignment. For extended distance the maximum
misalignment would increase 2" for each foot.
For Example: For a 6' PTO shaft the maximum misalignment is 12" from a straight line.