Note: Optimum performance of lower gears requires pinion height setup, use “lower pinion
gear height instruction sheet” fig 7.
Install pinion gear bearing cup [6-4] with pinion gear shim [6-3] and vertical shaft
bearing cup [6-21] with vertical shaft shim [6-22] in case.
Install modified pinion gear bearing [6-5] into cup.
Install pinion gear measuring slug (01-5589) onto pinion gear bearing.
Install vertical shaft [6-2] with vertical shaft bearing sleeves [6-19], and vertical
shaft bearing [6-20] (preinstalled).
Install pinion gear spud washer [6-7] into pinion gear measuring slug.
Install pinion gear nut [6-8] and torque to 150 ft/lbs.
Set rolling preload of pinion gear by adjusting shim [6-3], and [6-22], (8-10 in/lbs.)
Once preload is set adjust pinion height by either removing or adding shim to upper
bearing cup [6-21] and removing or adding equal shim to lower bearing cup [6-4].
Pinion height is set using feeler gauges and “Lower Pinion Height Gauge 01-5483
and “Gear Measuring Slug” 01-5589 as shown in fig 7.
Once preload and pinion height is correct, remove pinion gear measuring slug and
vertical shaft.
10. Install prop gear shim [6-23] and prop gear bearing cup [6-24].
11. Install prop gear [6-26], with bearing installed [6-25].
12. Reinstall pinion gear bearing with flats aligned to accept pinion gear (see page 11),
pinion gear, spud washer and nut. Torque to 150 ft/lbs.
13. Temporarily install prop shaft [6-27] with bearing cone [6-31], bearing carrier thrust
washer [6-28] bearing carrier [6-34] with bearing cup [6-32], tab washer [6-37], and
cover nut [6-38], torque to 150 ft/lbs for backlash testing.
14. Check backlash and adjust by changing prop gear shim to achieve .006-.008
15. Once backlash is established, remove cover nut, tab washer, bearing carrier, thrust
washer, and prop shaft.
16. Remove pinion nut, clean and reinstall with Loctite 262, torque to 150 ft/lbs.
17. Reinstall prop shaft, thrust washer, bearing carrier shims [6-29], (install enough
shims to insure there is “prop shaft end play”), install bearing carrier, tab washer,
and cover nut (torque cover nut to 200 ft/lbs, apply oil to threads to avoid galling).
18. Measure “end play” and remove enough shims to achieve 24-26 in/lbs total rolling
preload with seals installed in bearing carrier. (Be very careful not to remove too
many shims and get a false preload reading).
19. Once rolling preload is achieved, remove cover nut, tab washer, and bearing
20. Install “O” ring [6-30], bearing carrier (apply “Perfect Seal” around “O” ring, outside
of bearing carrier, and threads of cover nut),
21. Install tab washer, and cover nut.
22. Torque cover nut to 200 ft/lbs.
23. Bend one tab on tab washer to engage with one of the slots in the cover nut.
24. Install prop adaptor ring [6-39] (apply “Perfect Seal” to threads) and torque to 200
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