Link Fault Detection in FORCE Modes (LFD)
Link Fault Detection (LFD) is only available when using Force 10 or Force 100 mode
and provides the same information as link fault pass through as does in PNP mode to
detect silent failures. When LFD is enabled and the input link is down at one
interface to the iMcV-LIM 10/100, the transmitter output on that interface is turned
off for about 425ms every 3.8 seconds (i.e., blinking). It applies to both network
interfaces and to both data rates. If the link at the other interface to the iMcV-LIM
10/100 is also down, there is no output. LFD causes the Link Up indicator of the link
partner to blink.
When the iMcV-LIM 10/100 is in one of the FORCE modes, enable LFD by setting S1
to the ON position.
In order for LFD to function properly, Force mode must be enabled by setting:
S3 to ON with either S4 ON for 10 Mbps or S4 OFF for 100 Mbps
S2 must also be OFF
When using the LFD feature, if the DIP Switches are in any other combination than listed
above, the iMcV-LIM 10/100 may exhibit erratic behavior.