tab). This is the recommended mode of operation, but only one router can be
connected to the driver.
: There is nothing to configure on the Switching Tab; it is a diagnostic panel
that can be used to check that the router is working. Note that the Sources and
Destinations tabs must be configured prior to using this panel. There is a similar panel
available on the Air Client that does not require configuration of the Sources and
Destinations tabs; it uses the crosspoint numbers.
12. When all of the parameters are set, click
. You will be prompted to save changes.
Operation Notes
Before the router can be used on a Transmission List, there are additional configurations required
for the List (A/V Tables). This configuration is described in the ADC-100 user guide.
Manual intervention is possible from the front panel of the 1200 series router while under
automation control, but there is no support for reporting such interventions through an as-run or
error log. If the router is to be used primarily under automation control, care should be taken
when considering the location for the control panel to minimize the risk of accidental crosspoint
Test Procedures
Error Conditions and Recovery
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