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MAIN MENU (con't)
Options Menu
to change the units of measurement from Meters to Feet.
Xdcr Position
to adjust the display of the sonar head echo data relative to
the physical mounting of the sonar head. If the xdcr
(transducer) is physically mounted down (red side down),
this switch should be set to '
'. If the xdcr is mounted
up (red side up), '
' should be selected. If this switch is
set incorrectly, the sonar display will appear as a mirror
image; targets which are actually on the right side will
appear on the left, and vice-versa.
Noise Filter
to minimize noise in the displayed return data.
Sound Velocity
to change the speed of sound number used in range
measurements. This number can have a range of 750 m/s
(2461 ft/s) to 2250 m/s (7381 ft/s). The default is 1500
m/s (4921.3 ft/s).
User Text
to enter a text string for display in the User Text Window.
Calibrate Sonar Head
to adjust the motor to the center or zero position.
Com Ports Menu
Sonar Head
to select the serial communications port (COM1-COM32)
for communicating with the connected sonar head and/or
echo sounder. Ports that are already used or unavailable
are greyed out. The port that is selected must be a 2-Wire
RS-485 serial port. Alternatively, you could use an RS-
232 port with an external RS-485 to RS-232 converter
connected in-line. All communication through this port is
at 115200 bits per second, No Parity, 8 Data Bits and 1
Stop Bit.
AUTO Enable
use this mode if your RS-485 serial i/o card or converter
can automatically enable its’ transmit driver. Two
excellent converters are the S485I (
P/N 2104
from and the
Model 9365
from which automatically enable the
transmit driver when sending data as opposed to
controlling the driver via RTS (Request To Send).