Maintenance and Servicing
Maintenance by the Manufacturer
Repairs and maintenance going beyond the extent of the work described
in chapter 6.2
reconditioning or modification may only be performed by the manufacturer or authorized
Drain the oil before dispatching the pump and dispose of the oil according to the regulations.
Fill into the rotary vane pump up with sufficient fresh oil to protect against corrosion during
Clean the pump aggregate and the pump housing after pumping radioactive or other media
which are harmful to health and the environment.
The prerequisites for a handover are a complete and factually correct damage report, and a
clean pump.
6.3.1 Servicing
During repair or maintenance work which could endanger people because of moving
or electrically live components, the vacuum pump must be made safe by removing
the mains supply plug from the socket or by switching off the main contractor and
preventing it from being switched on again!
The vacuum pump must be disassembled if heavily soiled or after an operating fault. This is
to be performed by the Service Department of ILMVAC GmbH.
6.4 Damage
You find the form of the damage report to the Download on our web page
in the menu "service" and "Downloads".
If you should not have an entrance to the Internet, you can request the form also gladly with
us, company Ilmvac GmbH.
Incomplete or incorrectly completed damage reports may endanger the service per-
Provide full information about contamination, and clean the pump thoroughly before
handing it over to third parties. The user shall be liable for the consequences of an
incorrect damage report or a contaminated pump. The statements in the damage
report are legally binding.
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