The Ikelite Digital Housing should be given the same care and
attention as your other photographic equipment. In addition to
normal maintenance, we recommend that the housing be returned
to Ikelite periodically to be checked and pressure tested.
1. D
Doo N
Noott leave the camera and housing in direct sunlight for
prolonged periods. Heat may damage the camera.
2. D
Doo N
Noott ship the camera in the housing.
3 Keep the back o-ring clean and lightly lubricated. Only apply
enough lubricant to make the o-ring feel slick. D
Doo N
Noott ssttrreettcchh
tthhee oo--rriinngg. This light coating of lubricant will help to keep the
o-ring from drying out, and will also reduce friction when
opening and closing the housing. Keep the area where the
o-ring fits and the sealing surface of the housing clean.
4 Rinse the housing exterior thoroughly in fresh water after each
salt water use. Dry with a soft cloth. Dry lens port to eliminate
water spotting.
After several uses in salt water, soak the housing exterior in a
mild soap solution, then rinse and dry before storage. When
storing the housing, remove the back o-ring, lightly lubricate,
and place in a plastic bag. Place the plastic bag with o-ring
inside the housing for safe keeping.
CCoonnttrrooll M
Ikelite controls are designed to provide years of reliable service
with minimal maintenance.
1. Push button controls require no maintenance other than rinsing
in fresh water after saltwater use. If a push button control
becomes difficult to push, or if it sticks when depressed, soak
the housing in luke warm fresh water. After a few minutes
operate the push button. If this does not correct the problem,
return the housing to Ikelite for routine maintenance.
2. If a housing control shaft becomes “sticky” and hard to operate,
return the housing to Ikelite for routine maintenance.
mpplleettee iinnffoorrm
maattiioonn rreeggaarrddiinngg ssttrroobbee ppaacckkaaggeess aanndd ooppttiioonnaall
aacccceessssoorriieess iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee aatt
IIkkeelliittee W
W--2200 W
Wiiddee--AAnnggllee CCoonnvveerrssiioonn LLeennss #
An external wide angle conversion lens increases angle of
coverage, so you can get closer to your
subject while still fitting everything in the
frame. Add an Ikelite W-20 or other 67mm
wide-angle conversion lens to improve your
angle of coverage in any shooting situation.
Vignetting will occur at widest angle camera
lens setting with these lenses. Zoom in 2 or 3
times to eliminate, or crop the image in
Oppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorriieess
meennddeedd SSttrroobbee PPaacckkaaggeess
AFF3355 AAuuttooffllaasshh KKiitt #
DSS5511 SSuubbssttrroobbee FFlleexx PPaacckkaaggee #
#33994444..4499 includes #4087.1 Flex Arm
System with EV Manual Controller.
DSS5511 SSuubbssttrroobbee D
Deelluuxxee PPaacckkaaggee #
#33994444..5544 includes #4086.61
SA-100 Arm System with EV Manual Controller.
DSS116600 SSuubbssttrroobbee PPaacckkaaggee #
#33994444..9911 includes #4086.61 SA-100 Arm
System and 1.5 hour Smart Charger with EV Manual Controller.
DSS116611 M
Moovviiee SSuubbssttrroobbee PPaacckkaaggee #
#33994455..0033 includes #4086.61
SA-100 Arm System and 1.5 hour Smart Charger with EV Manual
DSS220000 SSuubbssttrroobbee #
#44006622..22 can be used with #4100.6 EV Manual
Controller. Also recommended is Smart Charger #4066.1.
TTrraayy w
wiitthh RReelleeaassee H
Tray and Release Handle is required to mount external
Ikelite Digital Substrobes (except AF35) - page 13.
Contact an Ikelite dealer to order and receive additional
information regarding all Ikelite strobe packages.
Oppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorriieess
PPlleeaassee RReeaadd IIff U
Ussiinngg aann EEVV--M
Maannuuaall CCoonnttrroolllleerr
The EV-Manual Controller used with Ikelite DS Substrobes has
two user settings. One setting is for strobe selection, the other
is for pre-flash or non pre-flash. YYoouurr ccaam
meerraa m
mooddeell uusseess
pprree--ffllaasshh in all shooting modes except “M manual mode. The
EV-Controller should be set to the pre-flash position except
when using “M” manual mode. We recommend setting the
Controller for “pre-flash” and using “Av” aperture priority mode.
OTTEE:: Accessory 67mm macro lenses designed for underwater use
may also be attached directly to the front of the housing's port.
Bayonet mount lenses cannot be used with this housing.