1. Place your housing upside
down on a flat surface or
your lap so that the housing
port is facing toward you as
shown in Diagram C.
2. Line up the 3/8” tray holes
with the housing mounts. If
the tray is positioned
properly, the handle will be
on your left side facing down.
3. Place a shoulder washer in
each 3/8” tray hole with the
small end of the washer facing down.
4. With your free hand, insert and rotate the 12-24 x 1/2” screws clockwise
until threaded into the housing mounts. Finish tightening the tray to the
housing using a flathead screwdriver. Do not overtighten.
Attaching Ikelite Strobe Arm to Housing Handle
If you have purchased an Ikelite Tray
and Handle for your housing, refer to
diagram D to attach an Ikelite Arm.
To attach an Ikelite Arm to your
Housing Handle, depress the
spring-loaded Handle Push Button
until it stops. Gently slide the pronged
end of the Ikelite Arm into the hole in
the top of the Handle as shown.
When the Ikelite Arm is properly
seated, the Handle Push Button will
return to it’s starting position.
Ikelite Arm
Handle Push
Housing Handle
Diagram D
Attach External Tray and Handle to Housing
Diagram C