- Current consumption:
10 mA
- Connectors:
Lexors, Futaba, Hitec, JR Graupner
- Temperature range:
-10°C to +40°C (14°F to 110°F)
The standard set up has to be performed before installing the receiver into the model. To start the programming just
plug one of the included jumper connector into channel 2 and any type of servo into channel 1.
All programming begins with the receiver switched off!
Channel output 5 on servo connector 5
Plug second jumper on channel 3
Switch on transmitter
Switch on receiver
Wait till the connected servo moves briefly as a confirmation of the set up
Switch off receiver
Channel output 7 on servo connector 5
Plug second jumper on channel 4
Switch on transmitter
Switch on receiver
Wait till the connected servo moves briefly as a confirmation of the set up
Switch off receiver
Switch off Fail-Safe mode (factory setting)
Plug second jumper on channel 5
Switch on transmitter
Switch on receiver
Wait till the connected servo moves briefly as a confirmation of the set up
Switch off receiver
Switch on Fail Safe mode
Plug second jumper in channel 6
Switch on transmitter
Switch on receiver
Wait till the connected servo moves briefly as a confirmation of the set up
Switch off receiver
ATTENTION: Never disconnect the transmitter nor the receiver from its current supply during programming!
There will not be any harm done to the system, but you will have to repeat the entire programming procedure.
After having finished programming remove the jumper and install the receiver into you model.
You may connect 6 servos to the receiver. If all connectors are occupied, the receiver power supply can be connected
via a Y-cable.
Programming of the Fail-Safe positions
ATTENTION: Take off propeller on electric powered model airplanes!
Assuming you have set the Fail-Safe mode to “ON” you may proceed with the next step
The servo factory settings for Fail-Safe are:
Channel 1 and 3: 1msec (this means “OFF” on electric speed controllers) – recommended for safety reasons.
All other channels: 1.5 msec (this means for most transmitters the servo center position)