You will need these components:
4 crimp sleeves (not included in set)
A apir of flat nose pliers
shrink tubing (not included in set)
picture 1
Color Function
cable dia.
Red Main motor + pole 0.,25mm²
Black Main motor- pole 0.25 mm²
Red Tail motor + pole 0.14 mm²
Blue Tail motor - pole 0.14 mm²
Now you slide on the crimpers all the way up to the wire
insulation (picture 3).
Using the pair of flat nose pliers you firmly pinch the crimps
until they are attached absolutely firm to avoid connection
problems such as glitches (picture 4)
After having made the connections between main motor and
Piccoboard we now need to insulate the cable with the shrink
tubing. Make sure to use red shrink tubing for red cable, black
to black and so on. The cut off piece of shrink tubing should
extend the length of the crimp, in our case it is 10 mm long.
Now slide the shrink tubing over the crimped area of the cable
and let it extend by about 4 mm (0.16”) (picture 5).
Now shrink the tubing by applying heat with the heat gun.
Carefully adjust the temperature to avoid damage to the
Repeat the procedure with the tail motor and Piccoboard and
match the color coded wires (0.14 mm²) red to red and blue to
picture 2
picture 4
picture 3
picture 5
picture 6
knife and pair of scissor
heat source (i.e. heat gun)
In order to guarantee the correct function of the Piccoboard,
please follow thes instructions in this section carefully.
The standard Piccoboard features four cables (in the colors 2
x red, 1 x blue, 1 x black), which already have been stripped
off their insulation on either end (picture 1).
The functional reference is:
First we connect the cables to the main motor.
Using your thumb and pointing finger you twist together the
copper wires of the 0.25 mm² red cable coming from the main
motor with the 0.25mm² red cable coming from the
Piccoboard (picture 2).
Installation of the Piccoboard (not included). First, connect all
of the leads except for the flight battery.
Install the Piccoboard on the radio tray at the front of the main
frame so that the leads face the rear, the piezo crystal(marked
Tokin) is towards the top and the LED faces to the left of the
See your Piccoboard documentation for details of this.
The leads emerging from the Piccoboard must be positioned
so that under no circumstance will they come into contact with
any of the machine's moving parts.
Mount the Piccoboard using double-sided tape and ensure
that it is mounted with the printed circuit board perfectly
vertical and exactly perpendicular to the radio shelf.
Next, lead the receiver antenna out of the cabin area and
attach it with tape to one of the skids. Leave approximately 10
cm of it hanging free. This is most important and must be
carried out exactly.
WARNING: Do not run or tape the receiver aerial alongside
any carbon fibre components as this may cause unexpected
radio interference on the ground or in flight.
Now attach the flight battery to the underside of the shelf with a
rubber band. You can attach the rubber band to the canopy
mount on the chassis for this purpose.
Shift the battery forward or rearward to adjust the balance.
Install the Piccoboard Now.