Instruction manual
Introduction: The IKAR type ABS 5 B descender is a fall protection device with an automatic descending
function and a freewheel for the moving of the fastener into the device. The ABS 5 B may be used, for ex-
ample, when working on tankers, in high-bay warehouses, in recreation and sports areas, or for evacuation
measures, if the rappelling path below is free from obstacles. The descending function is directly activated
directly with the pulling out of the fastener so that no fall into the device occurs, but rather the rappelling
is initiated immediately. The IKAR descender must be properly used in accordance with this instruction
manual. The instruction manual must be read in full and understood before use Figure 1). A rescue plan
must be available for all emergencies that may occur while using the device.
Safety instructions
Non-compliance with the instruction manual may cause life-threatening injuries. No modifications
or additions to the descender are permitted. Although injuries to the user cannot be excluded
when using the device, it is possible to reduce the consequences of possible injuries.
2. The device may only be operated by persons who are appropriately trained and can safely handle
the device. Health-related impediments must not be present! (Influence of alcohol, drugs and
medication, or cardiovascular problems)
The device is only approved for the use of persons; the lowering of loads is not permitted (Figure
3). The maximum load of the device is 128 kg, the minimum load is 40 kg, the maximum possible
rappelling height is 11 m (Figure 4).
Before each use, the readability of the product identification and the digital counter must be
checked, and a visual and functional test of the ABS 5 B fall protection device conducted. To do
this, fasten the device at a suitable point and pull it out at the outgoing belt. A noticeable brake re-
sistance must develop (Figure 5). Do not release the webbing during insertion, but allow it to move
into the enclosure (Figure 12). Check the connection elements according to EN 362 for functioning
in a defect-free manner (self-closing, lockable). All attachments must be secured firmly.
Before each use, the webbing must be tested along its entire length and in its entire scope for a
faultless condition. A device with a damaged webbing must not be used (Figure 6). Exceptions to
this are devices sealed (welded) in a special, undamaged storage bag.
6. If there is any doubt as to the safe condition of the device, it must be withdrawn from use and
presented to an expert, trained by the manufacturer, for checking. The expert shall decide on the
further use.
Never open or repair the device by yourself (Figure 2). This may only be undertaken by qualified
persons - trained and authorised by the manufacturer (Item 6)
The device must be checked by a qualified person (Item 6), where required, but at least once
every 12 months, when the maximum possible rappelling (display on the digital counter 67.997)
is reached. This must be documented in the test book. If the devices are specially packaged and
sealed, the testing intervals may be extended by the manufacturer, as appropriate.
The tested temperature operating range and storage area of the device is between -4 and + 50
° Celsius (Figure. 7). At operating temperatures below 0° Celsius and when wet, malfunctions or
failure of the descender can occur due to icing of the rope. Devices kept dry function even at very
low temperatures.
Only the IKAR webbing can be used as an exit webbing. The discard state of the webbing shall be
determined by the expert during the annual inspection.
For the type ABS 5 B descender and the retractable fastener, we assume a 10-year period of use.
However, the actual period of use shall be determined by the expert by testing in accordance with
Items 6 to 8 of this manual.
12. Descenders permanently installed in a workplace and placed there between inspections shall
be suitably protected against environmental influences (e.g. sealed in special packaging and
weather-proof containers)
The device can be used vertically at an upper anchor point (Figure 8). The device can be used
vertically at an upper anchor point (Figure 8). If in doing so the webbing runs over sharp or rough
edges, a suitable edge protector must be used to protect the webbing.
128 kg 40 kg