UNO Synth
Pro Editor
3 - The Synth Panel: ENGINE
• Sync 2: The Sync 2 button sets oscillator 2 to hard sync to Oscillator 1.
• Sync 3: The Sync 3 button sets oscillator 3 to hard sync to Oscillator 1.
• FM Amount 2: The FM 2 knob sets the amount that Oscillator 1 will modulate the frequency of Oscillator 2.
• FM Amount 3: The FM 3 knob sets the amount that Oscillator 1 will modulate the frequency of Oscillator 3.
3.2 – The Mixer Section
Here you set the volumes of 3 analog oscillators and noise generator going into the Filter section. You can also
set whether the external input is pre-filter, post-filter or pass-through.
• Level knobs: These set the volume of each oscillator going into the Filter section.
• Noise knob: This sets the volume of the noise generator going into the Filter section.
• External Input Routing: This determines whether the external audio input is routed pre-filter (going through
the Filter and Effects sections) or post-filter (combined with the master output with no processing).
3.3 – The Filter Section
The UNO Synth PRO has 2 filters, and each one has different modes available. The filters can also be configured
in series or in parallel, and in or out of phase.
• Cutoff 1 and 2: These knobs set the cutoff frequency of Filter 1 and Filter 2.
• Spacing: The spacing knob sets the offset between the Filter 1 and Filter 2 cutoff frequencies. A positive
value offsets Filter 2 higher than Filter 1. A negative value offsets Filter 2 lower than Filter 1.
• Res 1 and 2: These knobs set the Resonance level of Filter 1 and Filter 2.
• Env Am 1 and 2: These knobs set the amount that the Filter Envelope will modulate the cutoff frequency of
Filter 1 and Filter 2.
• Link buttons: These buttons allow you link the cutoff frequency of both Filter 1 and Filter 2 or link the cutoff
frequency and resonance of Filter 1 and Filter 2.
• Filter 1 Mode Selector: This slider sets the mode of the Filter 1 along with its phase relationship to
Filter 2. Choose between LP 0° (low pass, filters in phase), LP 180° (low pass, filters out of phase), HP 0°
(high pass, filters in phase), HP 180° (high pass, filters out of phase), or Bypass which bypasses Filter 1
• Filter 2 Mode Selector: This slider sets the mode of the Filter 2 along with its routing relationship to Filter
1. Filter 2 is always in low pass mode, but you can change the slope between 2-pole and 4-pole. You can
also set whether the input of Filter 2 comes from the Filter 1 (series) or straight from the Mixer (parallel). You
can also bypass Filter 2 and set whether the signal comes from Filter 1 (Bypass Series) or straight from the
Mixer (Bypass Parallel). In the latter case, the filtered signal of Filter 1 gets combined in parallel with the
unfiltered output of the Mixer. Parallel routings – in or out of phase – can produce interesting comb filtering
and odd phase relationships resulting in more unconventional filter sounds.