LNU sensor : Installation & programming
Installation Guide
IJINUS – 25 ZA de Kervidanou 3 – 29300 MELLAC – FRANCE
Change measure period on height threshold
For some sensors, you can have two different time of data acquisition depending on water height measures. For
example, you can measure every hour when le level is low and accelerate to 2 minutes when level goes above a
threshold. This measurement period acceleration can be set to some time slots, following a exceedance of level (with or
without hysteresis) and with the choice of a minimum time before deceleration.
The limit of this acceleration is it can only be done with a water height measurement. If you wish to accelerate the
measures as soon as the water go over one level between two measurements, you have to connect one of our overflow
detectors to the ultrasonic level sensor.
Define a threshold / software overflow detection (Two can be set)
After the programing of the first threshold, you can then define a second one.
To go further and use the advanced parameters: Zoom on the debugging echoes (acoustic signature) and the
replacement values in case of loss of echoes.
All advanced parameters won’t be explain here, but two zooms
on very useful functionalities:
Debugging echoes
The record of debugging echoes is very useful to log when there is a difference between two successive
measures (on
rise and or on lowering : here 75 for both), the acoustic signature of the measures, or the famous ultrasonic echo. A post
review allows you to evaluate the quality of level measurements and to correct them if needed.
For your first or complex installations, we strongly advice to activate this functionality.
Height value for loss of echo
In the field of ultrasonic, a loss of echoes is reflected by the absence of peaks (or a very weak peaks not detected as an
obstacle) on echoes that materialize by a maximal height, the Z you define during the calibration. This function is used