- Press and hold simultaneously
with T1: “Upload” (data transfer from LED product to
USB Pen)
“USB” connector
Type B Mini-USB connector for connection to PC
“Link/OK” LED
Green LED:
Flashing, if the flash drive is powered but not connected to a PC or Led Driver;
With fixed light once the connection to the PC has been established through either
the LED Street Lamp or SW;
“Data” LED
Yellow LED, flashes when data is sent to the USB Pen or from the Pen to the
PC/LED product
“Error” LED
Red LED lighting up when there is a mistake or the data to be downloaded is not
compatible with the FW of the LED Driver.
If the USB Pen is battery-powered and the battery voltage is not enough, the red LED
will start flashing.
Protective Cover
Covers and protects the “LED product” connector
For any information on software installation and pen profiler operation see the website at the
following link:
The USB Pen Profiler device can be connected to:
1) a PC to download programs to a flash drive;
2) the Led Driver, either powered or not powered. If not powered, connect the device to a
or a PC where the Pen Profiler SW is not running.
PC connection:
ATTENTION: Before connecting the USB Pen Profiler to the PC for the first time, you need to
install the peripheral drivers (see paragraph “Driver Installation”.)
When the device is connected to the PC using the USB, the “Link/OK” (GREEN) LED will start flashing to
show that the flash drive is powered but not connected to any SW.
When you start the search function for any connected devices using the “Pen PROFILER” or “CLO
OPTIMIZER PROFILER” software, the “Link/OK” (GREEN) LED stays on (fixed light) to show that the
connection between the “CLO Optimizer Profiler” and the device was successful.
You can use the “Pen PROFILER” software to edit operating profile and astronomical calendar parameters
which will be saved in the USB Pen Profiler for downloading to the LED product. You can also view data
previously transferred from the LED product to the USB Pen with an UPLOAD.
The battery can be used at ambient temperatures ranging from 0° to +45°C