C o r r e c t u s e
MRBP.424321.001UM Version 1.0 27/01/2020
Figure 7
EMI-SSD-1M dismounting of DIN rail
Getting started
It is recommended to keep EMI-SSD-1M in a warm place for at least two hours
before getting started after storage or transportation at temperatures below 0
°C, if EMI
-SSD-1M is supposed to operate in the environment with tempera-
tures above 0 °С
Before powering EMI-SSD-1M on, connection accuracy and supply voltage level should
be checked:
if the power wires are connected incorrectly, EMI SSD-1M will not function, but it will not fail;
at a supply voltage below 12 V, the operation of EMI SSD-1M is not guaranteed (EMI SSD-1M
will not function, but it will not fail);
at a supply voltage above 32 V EMI-SSD-1M may fail.
After powering on inner periphery is initializied and previous configuration is down-
loaded from EMI-SSD-1M memory (this process can take up to 5 s).
After EMI-SSD-1M loading it is necessary to tune it as follows