No picture / signal
Battery life is too short
Picture is dropping
Ensure the camera is connected to a compatible NVR.
Ensure the Power Pack is properly inserted into the camera base.
Ensure you have removed the PLEASE REMOVE label from the Power Pack.
Connect the power adapter to your Power Pack to ensure the Power Pack is charged. The LED indicator on the
power pack glows green for full charge, red for less than full charge.
Remove obstructions between the NVR and camera. Materials such as brick, concrete and wood can significantly
impact the wireless signal strength.
Try repositioning the camera, NVR, or both to improve the reception.
Ensure the camera is not pointing at a high-traffic area. Position the camera so it only captures areas of interest with
no high-traffic areas
e.g., a busy sidewalk or roadway
visible in the image.
Live video is being viewed too frequently. Viewing live video often will impact battery performance.
Ensure you have set an active area and distance setting for motion detection to reduce false alarms. See “Optimizing
Motion Detection” in Quick Connection Guide for details.
Battery life will vary based on temperature, settings and number of events.
Move the camera closer to the NVR.
Try repositioning the camera, NVR, or both to improve the reception.