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700W Microwave Oven

Model Number: IG1750

InStructIonS for uSe

Thank you for purchasing this product.

Please read these instructions carefully before using

before you call for 


If the oven fails to operate:
1.  Check to ensure that the oven is plugged in securely. 

If it is not, remove the plug from the outlet, 


wait 10 seconds, and plug it in again securely.

2.  Check for a blown circuit fuse or a tripped main circuit 

breaker. If these seem to be operating properly, 


test the outlet with another appliance.

3.  Check to ensure that the control panel is programmed 

correctly and the timer is set.

4.  Check to ensure that the door is securely closed 

engaging the door safety lock system. Otherwise the 


microwave energy will not flow into the oven.

If none of the above rectifies the situation, then 

contact a qualified technician. Do not try to adjust or 

repair the oven yourself.

control panel

The control panel consists of 2 function dials. One is a 
timer, the other controls power levels.

Power / Action Selector

You use this dial to choose a cooking 
power level. It is the first step to start 
a cooking session.

Timer Knob

Offers visual timing settings at easy 
turn of your thumb to select a desired 
cooking time up to 30 minutes per 
cooking session.

Microwave Cooking

For pure microwave cooking, there are 
six power levels from which to choose 
one as best fit to do the job at hand.
Power level increases with the knob 
turning clockwise. 

The power levels can be classified as follows:

operatIng the 

mIcrowave oven

To start a cooking session;
1.  Place food in oven and close the door. 
2.  Turn Power Selector to select a power level.
3.  Use Timer dial to set a cooking time


 As soon as timer is turned, the microwave starts 

cooking. When selecting cooking times of less than two 
minutes, turn the timer dial past 2 minutes and then 
return to the desired time. 

Caution: Always return timer back to zero position


food is removed from oven before the set cooking time is 
complete or when oven is not in use. To stop oven during 
cooking process, open the door by the handle.

cleanIng and care

1.  Turn off the oven and remove the power plug from the 

wall socket before cleaning.

2.  Keep the inside of the oven clean. When food splatters 

or spilled liquids adhere to oven walls, wipe with a 


damp cloth. Mild detergent may be used if oven gets 


very dirty. Avoid using spray and other harsh cleaners 


as they may stain, streak or dull the door surface.

3.  Do not allow the control panel to become wet. 

Clean with a soft, damp cloth. When cleaning the 


control panel, leave oven door open to prevent oven 


from accidentally turning on.

4.  If it becomes necessary to replace the oven light, 

please consult a dealer to have it replaced.

5.  The oven should be cleaned regularly and any food 

deposits removed. Failure to maintain the oven in a 


clean condition could lead to deterioration of the 


surface that could adversely affect the life of the 


appliance and possibly result in a hazardous situation.

Please do not dispose of this appliance into the 

domestic rubbish bin. It should be taken to the 

disposal centre provided by your local council.


Power Output  



























Power /



Distributed by Igenix, Ipswich IP3 9RR. Tel: 01473 271272

Model No: IG1750
Power consumption:  240V~50Hz, 

                                 1200W (microwave)
Rated microwave power output: 700W
Operation frequency: 2450MHz
Outside dimensions (mm):  

                            262(h) x 452(w) x 335(d)
Oven cavity dimensions (mm):  

                            198(h) x 315(w) x 294(d)
Oven capacity:          17 litres
Cooking uniformity:   Turntable system
Net weight:               10.5 kg approx
