iGage Mapping Corporation
1545 South 1100 East STE 1
Salt Lake City UT 84015
+1 801 412-0011
f +1-801-412-0022
IMPORTANT: If you charge the data collector while it is on, it will never reach 100% charge indication.
To reach 100% charge, turn off the data collector and charge while off.
Dedicated Charge Port
The supplied barrel connector is 4.0 mm x 1.7 mm center positive 5.0 V at 2 amps. The data collector
is not water proof when the rubber cover is not seated over this connector.
Opening the Back Cover
Unscrew the lock all the way, then use the bottom hand strap clip to pull the lock screw and the
cover free.
Really Turning the Data Collector ON and OFF
To turn on, push and hold the power button for 4-seconds.
If you click power button again, it will TURN OFF THE SCREEN, but the DC will continue to run. Push
power button again to turn screen off.
To turn off, push and hold power button for 4-seconds:
Click on Yes to turn off the data collector.
Standby or Just Turn Off the Backlight
If you tap the ON/OFF key on the T18, one of two things will happen:
Backlight Toggled ON or OFF
Typically when used as a survey controller you will want to toggle the backlight because standby will
break Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Cellular data connections.
You can program the function of a short press on the ON/OFF key using the ‘PWConfig’ setting. You
can find this setting in ‘Start: Settings: System: PWConfig’:
Which displays the ‘power button feature’: