e. Attach the tank lid hold-down bracket onto the tank by sliding it onto the two flanges at the top
of the tank. The ‘long end’ of the tank lid hold-down bracket points toward the back of the
tank. Center as accurately as possible.
f. Adjust the chain, if needed. Check that the chain has some slack. If the chain is too tight,
simply unscrew the eyebolt a few turns to provide more slack. NOTE: If the chain is too loose,
the unit may not flush properly and the eyebolt will have to be screwed in further to provide
flush action.
5. Water Service Line Attachment
a. Attach the water service line to the ballcock shank, open the water supply valve. Allow the
tank to fill, then flush and check for proper flushing.
b. If Fluidmaster ballcock is used, hold down float and allow water to enter the top of the float.
This will properly balance the float.
c. Check the water level and adjust as necessary.
6. Tank Lid Attachment
a. Place the lid on the tank and align the hole in the top of the lid with hold-down bracket.
b. Insert lid retaining nut and hand tighten.
c. Lift UP the lift sleeve through the retaining nut and screw on the lift knob.