10.6.11 Colour of the characters in the display
Select [coL�F] for volumetric flow or [coL�T] for temperature or [col�P] for
pressure and set the colour of the characters for the process value in
the standard display:
-bk/wh = permanently black/white
-yellow = permanently yellow
-green = permanently green
-red = permanently red
-r-cF = display colour red between the limits cFL���cFH, outside
colour change to green
-G-cF = display colour green between the limits cFL���cFH, outside
colour change to red
Select [cFH�x] and [cFL�x] and set the limits for the colour window:
-cFH�F = upper limit for volumetric flow
-cFL�F = lower limit value for volumetric flow
-cFH�T = upper limit value for temperature
-cFL�T = lower limit value for temperature
-cFH�P = upper limit for pressure
-cFL�P = lower limit for pressure
Select [coL�V] and set the colour of the characters for totaliser:
-bk/wh = permanently black/white
-yellow = permanently yellow
-green = permanently green
-red = permanently red
Menu COLR:
10.6.12 Switch-on /switch-off delay
Select [dSx] and set the delay for setting OUTx in seconds�
Select [drx] and set the delay for resetting OUTx in seconds�
Menu OUTx: