Electronic lock
Activate the lock by connecting the programming wire for about 15 s – 20 s*�
Deactivate the lock by connecting the programming wire again for 15 s – 20 s*�
* To activate the functions the programming wire (pin 2 / WH) is connected to L+ (pin 1 / BN)
for PNP units or to L- (pin 3 / BU) for NPN units for the appropriate time�
Programming the output function*
Press for 10 s�
The red LED starts to flash fast after 2 s�
Then the yellow and green LEDs flash
After 10 s all LEDs go off, the output
function has changed from light-on mode
to dark-on mode (or vice versa)�
* The output function can be programmed in exactly the same way using the programming
wire (pin 2 / WH)� To activate the functions the programming wire is connected for the
appropriate time to L+ (pin 1 / BN) for PNP units or to L- (pin 3 / BU) for NPN units�
Check the safe functioning of the unit� Display by LEDs�
LED green is lit
Unit is ready for operation�
LED yellow is lit
Output is switched�
LED red is lit
Error in object detection, e�g� maladjustment,
soiling of the lenses�
LEDs red
Flash alternately, 2 Hz: output short-circuited�
Flash alternately, 1 Hz: internal malfunction
(output is not switched)�
Keep the lens of the sensor free from soiling�
For cleaning do not use any solvents or cleaning agents which could damage
the plastic lenses�