Ethernet camera O2M113
7.2.1 Checking the IP address
An inadvertent, wrong address allocation makes subsequent
communication with the camera impossible . For this reason, the following
final test must be carried out .
Click on [Reboot] .
Enter the new IP address of the camera in the address line of the browser and
confirm with [Enter] (here e .g .: http://192 .168 .82 .16/) .
http://192 .168 .82 .16/
Reboot request to check the allocated IP address
> If the address corresponds to the previously allocated address, the "O2M1xxx
WebConfig" start window appears again .
The new camera IP address will become effective on reboot .
(camera supply voltage off/on) .
Repeat chapters 7 .2 and 7 .2 .1 with further cameras .