Installation instructions CANremote CR3114
7.2 Device configuration using the ifm maintenance tool
The device is configured without SIM card�
Insert the SIM card after the device has been configured�
Since the device is configured via the CAN interface (SDOs), connection
problems may occur with simultaneous use of CAN by a controller� In this
case "STOP" the controller and separate other participants from the bus�
Software installations and changes to the system settings of the PC require
extended user rights� Contact your system administrator�
7.2.1 Software installation
► Install the maintenance tool�
ifm maintenance tool - info window
► Install the CANremote AddIn for the ifm maintenance tool�
– Start the maintenance tool�
– Activate the main menu [Tools] → [Install AddIn...].
– Select the "CANremoteAddIn_vnnnnnn�addin" file�
– Confirm with [OK]�