Using an IO-Link capable parameter setting tool, the outputs can be sepa-
rately set as normally closed or normally open�
7.8 Restore the factory setting (reset)
► Press for at least 15 s�
> LED 9 lights, after approx� 5 s it flashes�
> After approx� 15 s LEDs 0���9 flash orange�
► Release the button� All settings are reset to the factory setting:
-operating range: 5 ���100 cm/s for water
-switch point SP1 (flow): LED 7
-switch point SP2 (temperature): LED 0 (4 °C)
-output function: NO
-not locked�
7.9 Lock / unlock the unit
The unit can be locked electronically to prevent unintentional settings�
► Press both setting buttons simultaneously for 10 s in the operating mode�
> The indication goes out, the unit locks or unlocks�
On delivery: not locked�
7.10 Switch-on / switch-off delay
The unit features an internal switch-on / switch-off delay� This serves to delay the
release of the outputs (OUT1, OUT2) for a set time (0���60 seconds)�
This function requires a parameter setting software and cannot be set
directly on the unit�