8.2 Explanation of the menu
Upper / lower limit value for volumetric flow�
Pulse value�
Pulse repetition active (= pulse output) or not active
(= preset counter function)�
Output function for OUT1 (volumetric flow or consumed quantity):
- Switching signal for the limit values: hysteresis function or window function,
either normally open or normally closed�
- Pulse or switching signal for quantity meter�
Output function for OUT2 (volumetric flow or temperature):
- Switching signal for the limit values: hysteresis function or window function,
either normally open or normally closed�
- Analogue signal: 4-20 mA [I]�
As an alternative: configure OUT2 (Pin2) as input for external reset signal:
setting: [OU2] = [InD]�
Upper / lower limit value for volumetric flow or temperature�
ASP / AEP Analogue start value / analogue end value for volumetric flow or temperature�
Configuration of the input (Pin2) for counter reset�
Extended functions / opening of menu level 2�
HI / LO Maximum / minimum value memory for volumetric flow�
FOU1 Behaviour of output 1 in case of an internal fault�
FOU2 Behaviour of output 2 in case of an internal fault�
dAP Measured value damping / damping constant in seconds�
rTo Counter reset: manual reset / time-controlled reset�
diS Update rate and orientation of the display�
Uni Standard unit of measurement for volumetric flow: Nl/min, Nm³/h or Nm/s�
SELd Standard measuring unit of the display: volumetric flow value, meter reading
or medium temperature�
Standard unit of measurement for evaluation by OUT2:
- limit value signal or analogue signal for volumetric flow�
- limit value signal or analogue signal for temperature�
rEF�P Standard pressure to which the measured and display values for volumetric flow refer�
rEF�T Standard temperature to which the measured and display values for volumet-
ric flow refer�
LFC Low flow cut-off�
rES Restore factory settings�