4.8 Low flow cut-off (LFC)
With this function small volumetric flow quantities can be ignored (→ 10.5.10).
Flows below the LFC value are evaluated by the sensor as standstill (Q = 0)�
4.9 Simulation
With this function flow and temperature values can be simulated. (→ 10.6.3). The
outputs operate as previously set�
5 Installation
► Avoid deposits, accumulated gas and air in the pipe system�
5.1 Recommended installation locations
Example of an optimised installation:
► Install the unit so that the measuring pipe is completely filled�
► Arrange for inlet and outlet pipe lengths� Disturbances caused by bends,
valves, reductions, etc� are compensated for� It applies in particular: no shut-off
and control devices are allowed directly in front of the unit�