If it is desired to recreate the original layout of the program in respect of window size and sequence of
tabs, this can be achieved by means of the Layout zurücksetzen (Reset Layout) menu item�
The Firmware Update item permits the update of the reader firmware� The window that opens shows the
version currently mounted in the reader� After selection of a firmware file, this version is shown in the next
line� Pressing the Update button starts the procedure� The progress is shown in the Update-Fortschritt
(Update progress) line in a bar� After a successful update the reader must be restarted, either by pressing
the Neustart (Restart) button or by switching the power supply off and on again�
Figure: Updating the firmware
The reader has an integrated clock, which can deliver the time stamp for a tag operation� This clock is set
using the [Date and time settings] in the menu� When this menu item is opened, it automatically reads the
current date and time from the reader and compares this with the date and time from the host computer�
The date and time of the host computer can now be loaded to the reader by pressing the [Set system
date and time on the reader] button� There is also the facility to set the reader date and time manually and
load it to the reader� This is done by entering the desired date and time on the reader side and pressing
the [Set stated system date and time on the reader] button� The status line indicates which action was just
executed and whether the action was successful�
Figure: Setting the date and time
6.3.6 Info
This item on the menu bar allows information about the reader start software and the reader to be dis-
played� The version of the PC software can be displayed under the first item�
Figure: About reader start v2
The second item automatically reads the license key� The key includes various factory-set parameters of
the reader�