Shenzhen IDUTEX Tech Co., Ltd
Test Tool Know-how
(1) Is the computer and air bag safe?
The tool LED and LCD pull no more than 1 milliamp of current, therefore
when using it as a test light or multimeter it is computer and airbag safe.
However, pressing the power switch is a different story. When you press
the switch forward, you are conducting full battery current to the tip of the
probe. There is a nice safety feature built into the tool. Simply connect the
extra ground lead to the tool and press the power switch forward until it
trips the circuit breaker. This will prevent power from going to the tip but
still allow you to use the tool as a multimeter.
(2) Why do I have no power at the tip when I am pressing
the power switch forward but the red LED is on?
The power switch goes through a lot. It is one of the few things that
go wrong with the tool. The switch is a consumable that needs to be
replaced on occasion. We have made it real simple to not only
change it but also buy a new switch. The switch can be snapped out
and replaced in seconds.
You can buy switches from your IDUTEX authorized tool supplier.
The tool with the Rocker Switch slots makes it easy to replace a worn
switch in the field without having to send it in for repair.
Power Switch replacement procedure:
Remove the worn switch with a pry tool. Be careful when applying
force. (Figure 17)