User Manual
(3) Enter the access password, the default is 00 00 00 00.
(4) Enter the starting address and data length. The upper four bytes of the EPC storage area are two bytes of CRC and
two bytes of PC, so the starting address of the EPC number is 02 (unit word, Start reading after the upper four bytes).
Data length input 6 (unit word, write 12 bytes).
(5) Enter the data to be written in the "Data to be written (HEX)", such as "112233445566778899AABBCC", 12
(6) Click the "Write" button to write the content that needs to be written into the corresponding storage area of the tag
and display it in the data column of the list box.
How many tags are successfully operated, how many pieces of data will be displayed in the list. Unlike reading tags,
there is no content in the data column in the figure above. The user can read the same area of the tag again to verify
that the data is written correctly. As shown below: