Core Implementation NEO2: Swift
Add Import Statement to the Bridging Header File
Inside of the newly created bridging header file, add the following import statement:
#import <IDTech/IDTech.h>
The file should now look similar to the following:
#ifndef Swift_Bridging_Header_h
#define Swift_Bridging_Header_h
#import <IDTech/IDTech.h>
Amend the View Controller Interface
In the view controller classes that will be a delegate of IDTech.framework, include the reference to the framework
delegate class name:
ViewController: UIViewController,
Implement Optional Delegate Protocols
Implement any/all of the optional delegate protocols used to receive data from
func deviceConnected()
func deviceDisconnected()
func dataInOutMonitor(data: NSData!, incoming isIncoming: Bool)
func swipeMSRData(cardData:
func deviceMessage(message: NSString!)
#80152504-001 IDTech iOS SDK Guide for NEO2