Core Implementation NEO2: Objective-C
- (void) deviceMessage:(NSString*)message;
- (void) lcdDisplay:(
- (void) emvTransactionData:(
*)emvData errorCode:(int)error;
- (void) pinpadData:(NSData*)value keySN:(NSData*)KSN event:(EVENT_PINPAD_Types)event;
Call the Singleton instance of the IDT_NEO2 framework object:
A Singleton instance has been established in the
class. To utilize the delegate protocols, best practices
would be initialize the connection by setting the delegate with the singleton instance.
To enable scanning for a NEO2 with Bluetooth Low Energy capabilities, you need to execute
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
sharedController] setDelegate:
sharedController] device_enableBLEDeviceSearch:nil];
Sample Project Tutorial
Using Xcode 6.4, we will create a sample project that will interface with the NEO2 and will perform the following
• Auto-Connect and display connection status
• Get Device Firmware
• Start/Stop Transaction Request for CTLS/MSR/ICC (tap/swipe/insert)
• Enable Bluetooth Scanning
• Show LCD Display for EMV transaction
• Automatically select first AID or first Language if prompted
Protocol Delegates:
• Delegate to receive card swipes
• Delegate to detect headphone plug changes
• Delegate to detect device connected
• Delegate to detect device disconnected
• Delegate to receive EMV/CTLS tag data
Step 1: Create New Project
Create a new Single View Application in Xcode
#80152504-001 IDTech iOS SDK Guide for NEO2