Class Documentation
Tags to enable the capture of Apple VAS To enable ApplePay VAS, first a merchant record must
be defined in one of the six available index positions (1-6) using device_setMerchantRecord the
VAS data must contain tags 9F26 and 9F22, and can optionanally contain tags 9F2B and DFO1.
Example 9F220201009F2604000000009F2B050100000000DF010101 9F22 = two bytes =
ApplePay Terminal Applicaiton Version Number. Hard defined as 0100 for now. (required) 9F26 =
four bytes = ApplePay Terminal Capabilities Information (required)
• Byte 1 = RFU
• Byte 2 = Terminal Type
• - Bit 8 = VAS Support (1=on, 0 = off)
• - Bit 7 = Touch ID Required (1=on, 0 = off)
• - Bit 6 = RFU
• - Bit 5 = RFU
• - Bit 1,2,3,4
• - - 0 = Payment Terminal
• - - 1 = Transit Terminal
• - - 2 = Access Terminal
• - - 3 = Wireless Handoff Terminal
• - - 4 = App Handoff Terminal
• - - 15 = Other Terminal
• Byte 3 = RFU
• Byte 4 = Terminal Mode
• - 0 = ApplePay VAS OR ApplePay
• - 1 = ApplePay VAS AND ApplePay
• - 2 = ApplePay VAS ONLY
• - 3 = ApplePay ONLY 9F2B = 5 bytes = ApplePay VAS Filter. Each byte filters for that
specific merchant index (optional) DF01 = 1 byte = ApplePay VAS Protocol. (optional)
• - Bit 1 : 1 = URL VAS, 0 = Full VAS
• - Bit 2 : 1 = VAS Beeps, 0 = No VAS Beeps
• - Bit 3 : 1 = Silent Comm Error, 2 = EMEA Comm Error
• - Bit 4-8 : RFU
RETURN_CODE: Return codes listed as typedef enum in IDTCommon:RETURN_CODE. Values can be
parsed with
NOTE ON INTERFACE SELECTION: For the NEO2, tag DFEF37 is used to determine which interfaces to use for
the transaction:
• 01 = MSR Only
#80152504-001 IDTech iOS SDK Guide for NEO2