ID TECH SecureHead SPI with TMIV User Manual
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“7” Require All Three Tracks
“8” Any Track1 & 2
“9” Any Track2 & 3
Note: If any of the required multiple tracks fail to read for any reason, no data for any track will be sent.
Track Separator Selection
This option allows the user to select the character to be used to separate data decoded by a multiple-
track reader.
<Track_Separator> is one ASCII Character. The default value is
0h means no track separator.
Start/End Sentinel and Track2 Account Number Only
The SecureHead can be set to either send, or not send, the Start/End sentinel, and to send either the
Track2 account number only, or all the encoded data on Track2. (The Track2 account number setting
does not affect the output of Track1 and Track3.)
“0” Do not send start/end sentinel and send all data on Track2
“1” Send start/end sentinel and send all data on Track2
“2” Don’t send start/end sentinel and send account # on Track2
“3” Send start/end sentinel and send account number on Track2
Security Settings
Select Key Management Type
<STX><S><58h><01h><Key Management Type><ETX><CheckSum>
Key Management Type:
“0” Fix key management
“1” DUKPT Key management
External Authenticate Command (Fixed Key Only)
Before a security related command is executed, an authentication process is required to make sure
the device key used is correct. For example, authentication is generally required whenever encryption
is enabled/ disabled or the device key is changed. After the authentication process has finished
successfully, the same process would not be needed again until the device is restarted.