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Document Number: 80145503-001
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Note that NGA commands tend to begin with a high nibble value 7:
Command Prefix
ICC (smart card commands)
MSR (magstripe commands)
PCI Miscellaneous
Configuration commands
In a multi-byte NGA command, the first byte indicates the category (as shown above); the second byte is
typically one of 'F', 'R', or 'S' (Function, Read, Set; hex 0x46, 0x52, or 0x53 respectively); and the third
byte is the specific function ID.
Data Formats
Note that when a chip-card (ICC) transaction is performed, EMV data will be returned using a tag-based
(TLV) representation as described in detail in ID TECH P/N 80000502-001
ID Tech Encrypted Data Output.
When a conventional magstripe (MSR) transaction is performed, MSR data will be returned following
the ID TECH Enhanced Encrypted MSR Data Format described in ID TECH P/N 80000502-001
ID Tech
Encrypted Data Output.
MSR Modes of Operation
MSR operation occurs in two modes: Auto or Buffer.
Auto Mode
Auto mode means MSR data will be auto sent out once magnetic card was swiped.
It is supported only in USB-KB interface; it is the default behavior. Auto Mode can be disabled.
After MSR data were auto-sent out, the Buffer Data will be erased directly.