2. Serial RapidIO Interface > Hot Insertion and Hot Extraction
Tsi578 User Manual
June 6, 2016
Integrated Device Technology
Hot Insertion and Hot Extraction
Hot insertion and hot extraction functionality enables reliable systems to safely add, remove, and
replace components while the system continues to operate. The system host can use the Tsi578’s
capability to restrict the access of a newly inserted component to prevent a faulty component from
negatively affecting the system.
The following bit fields in
“RapidIO Serial Port x Control CSR”
control access to the system:
PORT_LOCKOUT: When this bit is set, only link request/response control symbols can be
exchanged. When the PORT_LOCKOUT bit is cleared, access is controlled by OUTPUT_EN and
When a PORT_LOCKOUT bit is set and the link is initialized, a port write can be sent periodically
to notify the system host that a new component has been added to the system.
OUTPUT_EN: Controls whether packets other than maintenance requests/responses may be sent
by the
INPUT_EN: Controls whether packets other than maintenance requests/responses may be received
by the
“RapidIO Port x Interrupt Status Register”
LINK_INIT_NOTIFICATION: This is an interrupt bit. When the PORT_LOCKOUT bit is set, this
bit indicates that the link has been successfully initialized. This is an interrupt bit and to disable the
generation of an interrupt, set LINK_INIT_NOTIFICATION_EN to 0 in
A port write can be sent if the link is initialized.
“RapidIO Port x Error and Status CSR”
PORT_OK: Indicates when a port is functioning and can carry traffic.
PORT_UNINIT: When the port is not initialized, this bit is set.
The lookup tables (LUTs), although not necessary, can also be used to ensure that no traffic is being
routed to the component being inserted/removed. For more information on lookup table functionality,
interrupt to be generated through the
“RapidIO Port x Interrupt Generate Register”
,. This is
useful in software testing and integration.