4. Addressing > I/O Space
PEB383 User Manual
July 25, 2011
Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
Confidential - NDA Required
Figure 10: 64-bit Prefetchable Memory Address Range
I/O Space
I/O Base, I/O Limit, I/O Base Upper 16 Bits, and I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits registers in the PEB383
configuration header specify an address range that is used by the bridge to determine whether to
forward I/O read and I/O write transactions across the bridge. If the address specified by the I/O Base
and I/O Base Upper 16 Bits registers is set to a value greater than the address specified by the I/O Limit
and I/O Limit Upper 16 Bits registers, the address range is disabled.
The response of the bridge to I/O transactions is controlled by the following configuration register bits:
I/O Space Enable bit in
“PCI Control and Status Register”
Bus Master Enable bit in
“PCI Control and Status Register”
ISA Enable bit in
“PCI Bridge Control and Interrupt Register”
VGA Enable bit in
“PCI Bridge Control and Interrupt Register”
The I/O Enable
bit must be set for any I/O transaction to be forwarded downstream. If this bit is not set,
all I/O transactions on the PCI bus are forwarded to the PCIe link. If this bit is not set, all PCIe
Interface I/O requests are completed with Unsupported Request status.
Primary Interface
Memory Mapped I/O
4 GB Boundary
4 GB Boundary
Secondary Interface
Prefetchable Memory
Primary Interface
Memory Mapped I/O
4 GB Boundary
4 GB Boundary
Secondary Interface
Prefetchable Memory