IDS NXT: Setup IDS NXT rome
Fig. 8: Reset to factory settings
1. Open the "ids_devicecommand" tool at the command prompt.
2. You can first display all available cameras to identify the serial number:
ids_devicecommand --list-devices
3. You use the serial number to define which camera should be reset to factory settings:
ids_devicecommand -s 4103616675 --node DeviceResetToFactoryDefaults --execute
The camera configuration and the vision apps are reset to the factory settings, i.e. the vision apps must be
uploaded to the camera again.
10.3 Booting the camera in runtime firmware
Use the "ids_devicecommand" tool to boot the camera in runtime firmware. The "ids_devicecommand" tool can
be found in the installation directory of the IDS NXT cockpit, e.g. under "C:/Program
Fig. 9: Boot the runtime firmware
1. Open the "ids_devicecommand" tool at the command prompt.
2. You can first display all available cameras to identify the serial number:
ids_devicecommand --list-devices
3. You use the serial number to define which camera should boot into runtime firmware:
ids_devicecommand -s 4103616675 --reset-to-runtime
The camera powers off briefly and boots in the runtime firmware.