Reaction Sequence
Lactate (LAC)
Lactate is produced by anaerobic metabolism of glucose and its concentration depends on relative
rates of production in muscle cells and erythrocytes and metabolism in the liver.
Principal Reason for Performing the Test
Elevated lactate levels usually are caused by overproduction or under metabolism. They result
from tissue hypoxia, diabetes mellitus, malignancies, ethanol or methanol ingestion, and metabolic
Most Common Abnormality Indicated by the Test
Hypoxia secondary to severe exercise, shock, hypovolemia, cardiac disease, pulmonary edema,
and seizures.
Sample Type and Precautions
Use lithium heparinized or Fl/oxalated samples. When using lithium heparinized samples, separate
the plasma from the red cells within 5 minutes of collection.
Complementary Tests
CBC, biochemical panel, complete urinalysis, and blood gas.
Reaction Sequence
Lipase (LIPA)
Lipase is secreted by the pancreas and to a lesser extent by the gastrointestinal mucosa. Lipase
is a relatively sensitive indicator of pancreatic pathology (as compared to amylase). Generally a
greater than threefold increase above the reference range is supportive of pancreatitis.
Principal Reason for Performing the Test
As an indicator of acute pancreatitis.
Most Common Abnormality Indicated by the Test
Acute pancreatitis.
Sample Type and Precautions
Blood samples should be taken within one day of the onset of symptoms suggesting acute
pancreatitis. Promptly remove plasma or serum from the cells or clot. If plasma is being collected,
use only lithium heparinized samples. Do not use oxalate/fluoride, citrate, or EDTA anticoagulants.
Lipemia and icterus may increase lipase results.